Gramatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan <div class="summary-content"><nav> <div id="nav-tab" class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist"><a id="nav-aboutjournal-tab" class="nav-item nav-link active" role="tab" href="#nav-aboutjournal" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="nav-aboutjournal" aria-selected="true">About Journal</a> <a id="nav-aimscope-tab" class="nav-item nav-link" role="tab" href="#nav-aimscope" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="nav-aimscope" aria-selected="false">Aim and Scope</a> <a id="nav-pubethic-tab" class="nav-item nav-link" role="tab" href="#nav-pubethic" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="nav-pubethic" aria-selected="false">Publication Ethic</a> <a id="nav-autguide-tab" class="nav-item nav-link" role="tab" href="#nav-autguide" data-toggle="tab" aria-controls="nav-autguide" aria-selected="false">Author Guidelines</a></div> </nav> <div id="nav-tabContent" class="tab-content"> <div id="nav-aboutjournal" class="tab-pane fade show active" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="nav-aboutjournal-tab"> <div style="border: 0.01px solid #eee; border-radius: 4px; padding: 15px 30px 15px 15px;"><br> <div class="site-content container"> <h2>About Journal</h2> <div class="page"> <p><em>Gramatika</em> is a journal that is the media of publishing the results of language research and literature. The journal is published by Kantor Bahasa Maluku Utara, Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Republik Indonesia. <em>Gramatika</em> is first published in 2013 based on SK No. 0005.0114/JI.3.2/SK.ISSN/2013.08 with ISSN (print) <strong><a href=";1376537114&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2338-8285</a></strong> and EISSN (online) <strong><a href=";1494001811&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2599-3283</a></strong>. Kantor Bahasa Maluku Utara publishes the journal twice a year: June and December.</p> <p>The author is not charged anything, whether for the submission of articles, article processing, or publication of the article. All published articles have passed the review by at least two of their best partners. <em>Gramatika</em> uses a double-blind review method in the review, which is to conceal the identity of the best partners and writers. The review will consider novelty, objectivity, methods, scientific impact, conclusions, and references.</p> <p>In addition to using the double blind review method, <em>Gramatika</em> uses <strong><a href="">Turnitin</a></strong> for plagiarism checking service. We also confirm that using the <strong><a href="">Mendeley®</a></strong> software for reference management.</p> <p>As a container for research publications, <em>Gramatika</em> provides open access to each of its publications. We have the principle that research is openly available (to the public) to support greater global knowledge exchange.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="nav-aimscope" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="nav-aimscope-tab"> <div style="border: 0.01px solid #eee; border-radius: 4px; padding: 15px 30px 15px 15px;"><br> <div class="site-content container"> <h2>Aim and Scope</h2> <div class="page"> <p><em>Gramatika </em>aims to provide a forum or forum for researchers, lecturers, and the general public to publish scientific articles of research or conceptual ideas in the field of language and literature. Meanwhile, <em>Gramatika </em>scope is language and literature, as follows.</p> <ul> <li class="show">Theoretical Linguistics</li> <li class="show">Applied Linguistics</li> <li class="show">Interdisciplinary Linguistics</li> <li class="show">Oral Tradition</li> <li class="show">Philology</li> <li class="show">Interdisciplinary Literature</li> <li class="show">Pure Literature</li> <li class="show">Applied Literature</li> <li class="show">Literature and Political Identity</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="nav-pubethic" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="nav-pubethic-tab"> <div style="border: 0.01px solid #eee; border-radius: 4px; padding: 15px 30px 15px 15px;"><br> <div class="site-content container"> <h2>Publication Ethhic</h2> <div class="page"> <p>Scientific ethics code &nbsp;statement &nbsp;is a statement of ethics code of all parties involved in the scientific journals publication process, there are the manager, editor, expert partner, and author/writer. Scientific publication of ethical codes statement based on Peraturan Kepala LIPI Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Kode Etika Publikasi Ilmiah, which essentially upholds three ethical values in publications, namely (1) neutrality, is free from conflict of interest in the management of publications; (2) justice, give authority to the writer; and (3) honesty, is free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in the publication.</p> <p><strong>Editor’s Task and Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li class="show">Confronting the necessary of readers and authors/writers;</li> <li class="show">Seeking improvement of publication quality continuously;</li> <li class="show">Implementing processes to ensure the quality of published papers;</li> <li class="show">Prioritizing freedom of giving opinion objectively;</li> <li class="show">Maintaining the integrity of the author's academic record;</li> <li class="show">Conveying corrections, clarifications, retract, and apologies as required;</li> <li class="show">Responsible for the style and format of the paper, while the contents and all statements in the paper is the the author/writer’s responsibility;</li> <li class="show">Actively asking the opinions of authors, readers, reviewers&nbsp; , and editorial board to improve the quality of publications;</li> <li class="show">Encouraging the assessment of the journal if any findings;</li> <li class="show">Support initiatives to reduce research and publication errors by asking &nbsp;the authors attach an <a href="">Ethical Clearance</a> form approved by the Ethical Clearance Commission;</li> <li class="show">Supporting initiatives to educate researchers about publications ethic;</li> <li class="show">Assessing the effect of publishing policy on the author/writer's attitudes and reviewer and improving them to increase responsibility and minimize errors;</li> <li class="show">Having an open mind to new opinions or views of others who may be contrary to personal opinion;</li> <li class="show">Do not defend your own opinion, author or third party that may cause a non-objective decision;</li> <li class="show">Encouraging authors/writers in order to make improvements so the paper proper to publish.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Reviewer’s Tasks and Responsibilities</strong></p> <ul> <li class="show">Getting an assignment from the editor to review the article and submit the review to the editor, as the material for act to determining the expediency of an article to be published;</li> <li class="show">The reviewer shall not review any articles that involving him, whether directly or indirectly;</li> <li class="show">Keeping the author's privacy by not disseminating the results of corrections, suggestions, and recommendations by giving critics, suggestions, feedback, and recommendations;</li> <li class="show">Encouraging author/writer to make improvements to the articles;</li> <li class="show">Reviewing the articles that have been improved to appropriate with the standards that have been determined;</li> <li class="show">The articles are reviewed in a timely according to the publisher’s circle style based on the scientific rules (data collection methods, author's legality, conclusions, etc.).</li> </ul> <p><strong>Duties and Responsibilities Author/Writer</strong></p> <ul> <li class="show">Ensuring that the authors/writers on the list fulfill the criteria;</li> <li class="show">Collectively responsible for the work and the contents of the article include methods, analysis, calculations, and details;</li> <li class="show">Stating the origin of the resources (including funding), either directly or indirectly.</li> <li class="show">Describing the limitations in the study;</li> <li class="show">Responding to the reviewers’ comments professionally and timely manner;</li> <li class="show">Informing the editor if it will retract his article;</li> <li class="show">Making a statement that the article submitted for publication are original, has not been published anywhere in any language, and is not on the process of submitting to other publishers.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="nav-autguide" class="tab-pane fade" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="nav-autguide-tab"> <div style="border: 0.01px solid #eee; border-radius: 4px; padding: 15px 30px 15px 15px;"><br> <div class="site-content container"> <h2>Author Guidelines</h2> <div class="page">Article will be published on <em>Gramatika</em> should fulfill the criteria as follows. <div class="page"> <ol> <li class="show">Article has never published on electronics media and/or other printing media and also not a plagiarism product.</li> <li class="show">Article is a research results, conceptual idea, or study the application of language and literature knowledge.</li> <li class="show">Article is written in bahasa Indonesia which guidelines to the standard language, include the orthographic or also can written in English.</li> <li class="show">Article is typed on A4 paper, font <em>Times New Roman </em>12, 1 space. Top, left, and right margin is 2,2 cm, while bottom margin is 2,7 cm.</li> <li class="show">The length may range 12—15 pages with the certainty that number of table, graphic, chart, etc not more than 25 % of total pages.</li> <li class="show">The systematic of article writing are title, author (without academic title), name of institute,abstract and keywords, introduction (without sub chapter), theory and method, discussion ( allow present on sub chapter), conclusion, and bibliography.</li> <li class="show">The article’s title has to brief, clear, and reflect the core problem. The title is typed capitalized and printed bold.</li> <li class="show">Chapter or sub chapter is printed bold and given the number that can draw the plot of discussion. The first letter is typed capitalized, except particle that not on the heading of subtitle.</li> <li class="show">Abstract is composed in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Abstract contains problems, theory and method, discussion, and conclusion. The length of abstract range 100—200 words and single space.</li> <li class="show">The introduction contains explanation about the reason choose the topic, problems, aims and benefits, references, also the theory framework or theory approach.</li> <li class="show">The methods contains description about research technique, concept, and analysis technique based on used theory.</li> <li class="show">The number of references is definited by ratio between primary source degree and up to date references that published 10 years latest.</li> <li class="show">The number of citation is appropriated with the content of article. All of sources that cite on the text must write completely on the bibliography.</li> <li class="show">The systematic of citation includes the page numbers. For example:</li> </ol> <ul> <li class="show">Teeuw (1988: 25) menyatakan bahwa ....</li> <li class="show">Dinyatakan oleh Teeuw (Pradopo, 1995: 16) bahwa ....</li> <li class="show">... terdiri atas lima tipe (Wijana, 1989: 96).</li> </ul> <ol start="15"> <li class="show">The writing of references using format <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">APA</a>, for example as follow:</li> </ol> <ul> <li class="show">Pradopo, Rahmat Djoko. 1995. <em>Pengkajian Puisi</em>. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.</li> <li class="show">Teeuw, A. 1988. <em>Sastra dan Ilmu Sastra</em>. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.</li> </ul> <ol start="16"> <li class="show">The statement of authenticity article letter and author’s biographical data are written separately (PDF format). Please download the statement on the link below. <ul> <li class="show"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Ethical Clearance</a></li> </ul> </li> </ol> <ul> <li class="show">The editorials have right to refuse the article if not appropriate with the criteria.</li> <li class="show">The editorials reserve a right to edit each published article and change the form for the reason to standardizing of article and journal artistic, but not change the content or main idea.</li> <li class="show">The author of published article will get honorarium and one copies of journal as proof that it is contained in a publication.</li> <li class="show">For the more information about the process of writing on <em>Gramatika</em>, please download the template on the link below.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Kantor Bahasa Maluku Utara en-US Gramatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan 2338-8285 <p>The writer of published paper on <em>Gramatika</em> have agreed this following:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Article copyright still had by the author.</li> <li class="show">The author gives the first publication right of the article to <em>Gramatika</em> and its lisence onto Creative Commons Attribution License that allow other party to use or recitate the article but keep mention the name of original author and the first publication on <em>Gramatika</em>.</li> <li class="show">The author is allowed to republish the article that <em>Gramatika</em> have been published it before through separated contract deal due to non-exclusive distribution (ex: submitting in to institution repository or publishing onto a book) but still mention the first publication on <em>Gramatika</em>.&nbsp;</li> <li class="show">The author is allowed and recommended to distribute her/his papers to the virtual world (ex: in the institution repository or author’s homepage) before or during the document consignment process because can support the productive exchange also an early and wide citation.</li> <li class="show">Every documents have been accepted should be attached with Copyright Submission Approval Form before article publication. Download the form&nbsp; <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>.</li> </ul> INTEGRASI FONOLOGIS BAHASA MINANGKABAU TERHADAP BAHASA MELAYU BENGKULU DALAM LIRIK LAGU DAERAH BENGKULU “IKAN PAIS” <p>This article aims to describe the phenomenon of phonological integration of the Minangkabau language in Bengkulu Malay which is contained in the lyrics of the Bengkulu’s traditional song entitled "Ikan Pais". The theory used to analyze phonological integration in this article is Terry Crowley's (1997) generative phonology theory. The types of sound changes that appear in this analysis are grouped into three types of sound changes, namely; (1) Addition of sounds (2) Deletion of sounds, (3) Change of sounds. The research method used in this article is a descriptive-qualitative method. The main data used in this study were taken from the lyrics of the song "Ikan Pais" written in Bengkulu Malay. Data were collected from the vocabulary contained in the song lyrics which were then analyzed using the two-language equivalence method and the technique of equalizing and differentiating comparisons. The results of the analysis in this study show the form of phonological integration of the Minangkabau language in three phoneme phenomena; addition of phonemes, removal of phonemes, and changes in phonemes.</p> Citra Dewi Harmia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 12 2 63 71 10.31813/gramatika/12.2.2024.666.63--71 TRADISI YAPPA MAWINE SEBAGAI CERMIN ZAMAN DALAM NOVEL PEREMPUAN YANG MENANGIS KEPADA BULAN HITAM <p>This study analyzes the novel "Perempuan yang Menangis pada Bulan Hitam" by Dian Purnomo using Alan Swingewood's sociology of literature theory. The purpose of this study is to explore how this novel reflects the socio-cultural conditions of the Sumbanese people, particularly in the context of the Yappa Mawine (catch marriage) tradition, as well as to examine authorship and literary production. The research method used is a qualitative approach with content analysis techniques, assisted by the Nvivo application. The results show that this novel functions as a social document that reflects the norms and traditions of Sumbanese society and illustrates the social tensions that arise from the conflict between traditional values and modernity. This research has implications for a deeper understanding of the role of literature in reflecting and influencing social change, as well as expanding the application of Swingewood's literary sociology theory to contemporary Indonesian literary works.</p> Iswan Afandi Juanda Juanda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 12 2 72 81 10.31813/gramatika/12.2.2024.663.72--81 DAMPAK STRATEGI KESANTUNAN BAHASA POLITISI TERHADAP KEPERCAYAAN PUBLIK DALAM ACARA TALK SHOW <p>This study examines the impact of politeness strategies used by politicians on public trust. The data is sourced from the YouTube channel "Metro TV," specifically the episode "Tangan Besi Sri Mulyani," which features an interview between Andy F. Noya as the host and Sri Mulyani, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, as the guest. Methodologically, the study is divided into three stages: analyzing the politeness strategies used by both the host and the guest, identifying overall polite/impolite behaviors of the host and guest, and analyzing public sentiment through comments on the YouTube channel. The findings reveal that language politeness does not significantly impact public trust. However, in conflict situations, such as disputes between the host and guest, politeness can play a crucial role in restoring positive perceptions. Politeness is generally associated with good ethics and positive attitudes, while impoliteness is seen negatively and can trigger criticism of the impolite party and support for the polite one. Responding to impoliteness with politeness is considered good etiquette that can enhance support, and impoliteness is not always viewed negatively if understood as a defense against prior rudeness from the interlocutor. The conclusion of this study suggest that while politeness strategies in political interviews may not affect public trust, politeness still plays an important role in improving public perception during disputes or conflicts.</p> Roni Kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 12 2 82 95 10.31813/gramatika/12.2.2024.664.82--95 POTRET HEGEMONI DALAM FILM SUARA APRIL: ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS <p>The April Voice Film is a film that contains education for the public in politics, how to carry out elections healthily and how to defend voting rights for common welfare. The purpose of this study is to find out the meaning of speech and gestures that contain elements of hegemony in films. This research is a type of qualitative research oriented to the analysis of critical discourse to analyze the existence of hegemonic elements in the April sound film. Using data sources from the KPU RI youtube and snippets of several scans as analysis data. The analysis of hegemony in the April sound film uses the fairclough critical discourse analysis technique. to interpret, identify and understand and can be a strong framework in analyzing the power maintained by the anti-political culture in the film Suara April. The research findings are in the form of several scane pieces that contain hegemonic elements and the impact of the hegemony. By using critical discourse analysis, it can be identified through writing, actions, gestures and facial expressions displayed contain hegemony in a group that has a significant impact on the surrounding community. Hegemony is not in the form of coercion or oppression to maintain power but rather leads to thoughts, perceptions that are given consistently so that the community without coercion accepts these thoughts so that together the community rejects election counseling carried out by democracy volunteers.</p> ANTOK RISALDI ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 12 2 96 108 10.31813/gramatika/12.2.2024.662.96--108 STRUKTUR KEPRIBADIAN TOKOH UTAMA DALAM NOVEL THE GENTLEMAN SECRET KARYA AQUILEA: TEORI KEPRIBADIAN SIGMUND FREUD <p><em>Personality is a dynamic organization of individual psychophysical systems that determine the behavior and thinking of individuals in a characteristic way. This study aims to describe the personality structure related to the id, ego, and superego of the main character in the novel “Aisyah Ibunda Kaum Mukmin” by Kamran Pasha. This study uses a discriptive qualitative method with the personality psychology approach of Sigmund Freud. Data collection techniques using note techniques. The data in this study were analyzed using heuristic and hermeneutic reading techniques. The results of this study indicate that there are three forms of the personality structure of the main character in Kamran Pasha’s novel “Aisyah Ibunda Kaum Mukmin”. The personality structure consists of: id, ego, and superego. The three personality structures dominate the main character. The id aspect always suppresses the ego so that its desires are fulfilled. On the other hand, the ego that acts as a personality arbiter does not have much power to suppress the id’s impulses, so Aisyah’s superego appears as a personality that appiles rules and tries to severely punish the ego’s mistakes in the form of regret and self correction</em></p> Eni Nurhayati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 12 2 109 123 10.31813/gramatika/12.2.2024.658.109--123